Switchero: Interesting Kitty Game

interesting kitty game

Switchero is a nice, tough and interesting kitty game. You can also play it as your office party game or a game in your teens birthday party. As the name suggests, the game is all about switching the balls from one plate to other, but its not that easy. Read more to know how to play this interesting kitty game with your friends in ladies kitty party.

Interesting Kitty Gameinteresting kitty game

Things Required

  • Two big size plates
  • Ping balls in two different colours

How To Play Switchero

  • Call the members one by one to the play area, or if you have divided them into teams, call one member from each team to the play area.
  • The challenge is to switch white balls in plate of yellow balls and shift yellow balls in the plate of white balls.
  • They can shift the balls only by blowing them and not by using their hands of any other body part.
  • The challengers will get a minute to win it, which means that it is a one minute party game and they will get just a minute to switch the balls to the plates.

I will soon publish a video of this game which will make it even clearer. Keep visiting my blog to get more of such interesting kitty party games and ideas.

DO leave your comments below if you have any doubts and hit the like button if you liked the game idea. This is a very funny game to play in your ladies kitty party.


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