Simple Written Kitty Party Game: Add and Win


This is an Simple Written Kitty Party Game shared by one of my readers Tanu Garg. You just need to get the print out of this game sheet to play this game. This is a poem in the game sheet which has many numbers written in between, the members have to find the numbers, add them and win the prizes.

Simple Written Kitty Party Game:

simple written kitty party game

Things Required

  • Game sheet
  • Pens

How to Play this Interesting Written Kitty Party Game:

  • Get the printouts of the sheet as per your kitty party strength.
  • Give one sheet to every member.
  • The challenge here is to find the numbers written in this poem and add them.
  • This is not a one minute game, the lady who does the calculation first will be the winner of this game.

Download the answer sheet herejoker game answers



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