Ready Spaghetti – One minute Game with Spaghetti

one minute games for adults

 One Minute Games . Have you ever though that you can play a game with Spaghetti? I never thought so until I played the game. Before playing this game I used Spaghetti only to make various Italian cuisines.

Well, I played this one minute party game in one of my kitty parties and, it was a sheer fun. It was our couple kitty and, we played this game Ready Spaghetti there.

To play this one minute game in your Kitty party or any other kind of get-together, all you need is a few spaghetti and a few empty canes of bear or soft drink.

One Minute Games For Couples
couple party game

How to play one minute game Ready Spaghetti

This is a couple party games and can be played in both couple kitty party as well as ladies kitty party. To play this game, you first have to pair up the members in couples. Call two members to play this game and give them spaghetti and a few empty canes. The couple has to lift the cane with the spaghetti and shift it from one table to another table nearby. This is a one minute game and thus, the players will get just one minute.

The only rule is that if the couple breaks the spaghetti, they will be disqualified.

The couple who manages to shift maximum number of canes without breaking the spaghetti will win the game. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any doubts in this party game or any other one minute games in my website. Also feel free to share your ideas and games here in the website. All your ideas and thoughts are most welcome here.



  1. Hi shiwangi, I’m planning to host my kitty in the end of March will u plz help me in planning my kitty on gangaur theme. Bcuz idealy it’s a new concept n I’m regularly using ur website n appreciating ur efforts n ideas .I hope to get a sooner option for games n tambola on gangaur.


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