A Bit Dicey : Perfect Game For Birthday Party

game for birthday party

Game for Birthday Party . Kids love to play games in birthday party and when the game prize is something they love, the zeal to win the game just doubles. Yeah it is always a great idea to tell the kids, what the game prize is, but make sure that you have some good in interesting prizes for the kids in the birthday party.

Nice Game For Birthday Party For All Ages

birthday party games dicey

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This is a nice game  to be played with all ages and yes you can play it in any kind of party. May it be a ladies kitty party, couple kitty party of a birthday party of kids. The game is all about balancing the dice on the ice cream stick.

To play this game in a birthday party, you need quite a few ice-cream sticks and around 6-10 dices. This is a one minute game and so we can put it in the list of our minute to win it games too.

Call the kids one by one to play this game and give them the ice-cream sticks and the dices. All they have to do is to stack the dices on the stick held with the mouth. The image above will make the game clear.

This is a simple yet interesting game for the birthday parties as well as other small parties where you can manage the one minute games. While this game doesn’t suits the big group parties, it is a perfect game for small gatherings. The best thing is that you do not need to arrange many props or a larger space for this game. You can arrange this game even in your living room and kids will love playing it for sure.

If you have any doubt regarding this game for birthday party or any other minute to win it party games in my website please feel free to leave a comment below in the comment box. If you liked this game please hit the facebook like button above the post, afterall sharing is caring.


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