While online shopping is always risky, buying the clothes from untrusted sources can turn out to be your biggest shopping disappointment. In this post, we will learn about the biggest ever online shopping disasters. There are thousands of online shopping websites and Facebook Shopping Groups providing you the reasonably priced fashion outfits. Most of them offer the Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities replica outfits for a price near to nothing. It is very important to check the authenticity of the seller before paying your hard earned money. Most of the time you end ordering cheap-looking, ill-fitting and filthy outfits instead of the shown designer outfits.
I’ver rounded up a few of the worst shopping disasters for you to be careful.
Online Shopping Disasters
This customer sent a picture of herself in the dress she wanted from an actual boutique. This is what the online “bargain” site sent her. Would you want to wear this?
This dress came from Aliexpress. The one shown in the left image is super stunning green prom dress and the right image is the one customer received. Truly horrendous. She paid $165 for it. The seller did not want to give her a full refund, but accidentally sent the full amount. Then, because that was not his intent, he harassed her to get her to return some of the money. The worst part is that the seller saw nothing wrong with the dress saying that “it was fine.”
See what was displayed by the shopping website and what was delivered
The so-called shopping group on FB posted this pictures of designer outfit shown in left and this is what they delivered to the customer (right)
See this black dress on left.. and see what the customer got in the right pic. Absolutely horrendoud.
Photo provided by the International Ownership FB page. This peach color dress was ordered by a bride and see what she got for her wedding. A dark pink dress in a cheap Chinese material embellished with cheap plastic crystals instead of Swarovski stones shown in the image.
This bride wants to wear this stunning white lace dress on her wedding but she got this dirty green colored dress in a shiny satin material.
- Photo source International Ownership FB page. As you can see, the fit is awful and the colors are drab. If you look closely, you will also see that the lining is a foot shorter than the overlay.
See the awful dress sent by the seller with cheap looking material and plastic beads.
See this two pcs bikini set shown in the image in left and check what was received by the customer. Can you notice the untidy strings on the bikini?
The sleeves has no lace, no fitting, no flair and no style at all. The dress received by the customer was a total FAIL.
- Where the hell these dresses are same? Holy Crap!
- Giving a similar dress doesn’t really mean giving the same color dress only. I can’t see anything similar in this dresses except the color.
Horrendous is the word. Shown is a designer piece of dress and delivered is a pathetic shabby piece of cloth.
The key is to be careful before you pay your money. It is actually very much obvious that when someone is offering a designer outfit for a dirt cheap price, it can’t be original. Please stop falling for cheap price tags and be sensible. If you have ever come across any such online shopping disasters of scams, do send us the details and pictures we will publish it here on the blog.
Do share this post more and more so that we can stop such scammers from stealing away our hard earned money.