New Year Party Games : Unwrap The Gifts

Christmas Large Families Gift Exchange Ideas

New Year Party Games. New Year’s Eve is one of the most celebrated evening throughout the world. People usually invite all their nears and dears to celebrate the New Year’s Eve together. What else than some exciting New Year’s Party Games can give you more pleasure and fun. Playing funny and exciting games with friends and family gives ultimate pleasure.

New Year Party Games With Giftsgifts

Unwrap the gifts is a game perfect for the big gatherings in New Year’s Eve. You can easily play this game with large number of people. First of all take some good gift and wrap it with more than 20 wrappers and many cello tapes. Make all your guests sit in a circle and give the first member a dice and the gift. The member will throw the dice and will start unwrapping the gift when he/she gets a six in the dice. The dice will keep moving untill a player gets a six in dice. The member next getting six in the dice will snatch the gift and start unwrapping the gift. The member who unwraps the gift in last will get that gift.

If you want to give more than one gift, you can take a big carton and fill it with different gifts and wrap the carton with many gift papers. This way many people will get the gifts in the game.

I hope I am clear with this game and if you have any doubt please leave your comment below in the comment box. I am here to solve all your doubts regarding kitty party games.



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