Gorgeous Long Stay Red Lipstick From Maybelline Rebel Bouquet: Reb01


Its the party season and all of us know that dark red lipstick which goes best with every party attire. I personally love the red lipstick more than any other shade. I am a Maybelline fan and after trying different red lipsticks I decided to try something new this time and Maybelline Rebel Bouquet Lipstick stole my heart.

Reb:01- Maybelline Rebel Bouquet Red Lipstick Reviewmaybelling rebel reb01 lipstick review

Maybelline last year launched a new range of color sensational lipsticks named Maybelline Rebel Bouquet which brings 6 gorgeous shades-

  • Reb01- Gorgeous red shade
  • reb 04- Flirty peachy-pink shade
  • Reb 05- Bright orange shade
  • Reb 07- Stunning mauve pink
  • reb 10- Sexy fuchsia

I will be reviewing the Gorgeous red shade Reb01 which is an absolutely edgy, flirty and rebellious shade. While I didn’t like the pink plastic packaging of the lipstick but was truly in love once I applied it on my lips. This super stunning lipstick comes with a wonderfully smooth texture which glides on the lips smoothly and feels very light on the lips. Just swipe it twice and you will get stunningly pigmented lips. These are actually semi-matte lipsticks and has a soothing glossy effect.

Double Cote of Maybelline Rebel Bouquet Red Lipstick Review

maybelling rebel reb01 lipstick review 1

Long Stay: Yes this is a long stay lipstick. I wore it for my disco party and it was intact even after the party. Yes, the gloss was gone (transferred on mugs and spoons) but the bright red color was still there on my lips.

Single Cote Maybelline Rebel Bouquet Red Lipstick Reviewmaybelling rebel reb01 lipstick review 2


This lipstick comes in a creamy matte texture which settles as semi-matte eventually. If you have really dried and chapped lips, it is always recommended to apply a lip balm before the lipstick. If your lips are already hydrated, you can apply this Maybelline color sensational lipstick directly.

Price: 475

Kitty Groups Verdict:

  • Long staying- TRUE
  • No Crumbling- TRUE
  • No fading- TRUE
  • Non- Transferring- transfers for first few sips and bites
  • No drying- TRUE 100%
  • No Smudging- TRUE to some extent

Overall, the color is bombastically gorgeous and makes you look super sexy and it stays gorgeous for around 2-3 hrs. I am absolutely in love with this lipstick. The color is just awesome. Not only that it stays put for A pretty long time and instantly brightens up the face. I highly recommend this lipstick to all. Absolute Value For Money. 




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