Funny Games For Kitty Party : Make a Longest Line


Funny Games For Kitty Party . This is one of the best and most funny games for kitty parties, may it be a ladies kitty party or a couple kitty party. I guess this game can also serve as a funny game for office party too. I played this game in my ladies kitty party and believe me members loved to play it.

Funny Games For Kitty Party

There was no time limit for this game and my kitty members were quite excited to win this game. Actually the game is pretty unique and I don’t think you might have played this game before in any of your kitty parties. You don’t need to carry anything to play this game but the only thing you need is the space in your kitty party hall.

I asked all my kitty members to make a longest line with all they have in their purse. Yes you read that right. The game is about making the longest line with all your belongings. Although the game includes clothing also but I kept it out. I mean I didn’t allow members to use their clothing to make the longer line. Well, you may include the clothing also if you want.

When I started the game all the ladies in the kitty party started taking out their belongings from  the purse and started making a line. They took everything out of their purse right from  their hand kerchiefs to visiting cards, cosmetic items, papers, belts etc etc. It was a real fun watching ladies taking out their jewelry items and adding them in the line to make it even longer. The members wearing the long neck chains took advantage and made the longer line.

If you are playing this game in a couple kitty party you can ask the couple to make the line together with all that they have. Couple has to make a long line in this game using their clothes. Both husband and wife have to use their clothes to make a line. They can take out maximum clothes for example- dupatta, hanky, belt, shirt, socks etc. This is one of the most Funny Games For Kitty Party and can be played in teams also. The couple/team who makes the longest line using their clothes wins the game.

Watch the game video here


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