Mad Dog: Fun One Minute Party Game

fun one minute party game

Mad is a real Fun One Minute Party Game. This is a couple party game and the challenge for the couple is to empty the tic-tac boxes attached to a ruler. You just need two rulers and 4 boxes of tic-tac for this game. The game is pretty easy to set up. Just buy the rulers and glue two tic tacs on it. Make sure that you are using a strong adhesive. You may also need two table for this game and a stop watch of course to see the time.

Fun One Minute Party Gamefun one minute party game

Take the rulers and glue two tic tac boxes on either side using a strong glue. Let it dry completely and don’t forget to check if the boxes are stick properly or not. Keep the small opening for the tic-tac mints to come out and don’t open the entire lid as it would them make the game easy.

When your ruler with tic tac boxes are ready, place them on the table and call the playing couple to the playing area. When the time starts one of the partners will pick the ruler with her or his teeth and start shaking the head to empty the mints form the tic tac boxes. When one partner is done, then the next partner will pick other ruler and repeat the process. This is a fun one minute party game  and thus. the couple in together has to empty all four contains of tic tac mints in one minute.

This fun one minute party game is named as Mad Dog, because players look like a mad dog while shaking their heads to empty the tic tac containers. The only rule here in this game is that the players can’t touch the ruler or containers with their hands and also they are not allowed to to turn their head down to empty the containers. They can only shake their heads up and out.


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