Simple One Minute Games With Biscuits

party games with biscuits

Today I am sharing two Party games with biscuits. Yes these are two games to be played with biscuits and are quite popular with ladies these days. Party games helps guests interact well with each other and also creates a fun quotient in the party, may it be a birthday party, ladies kitty party, couple kitty party or an office party.

Today I am sharing party games to be played with biscuits, do hit the like button if you like these party games with biscuits and also share it with your friends because ‘sharing is caring’.

Party Games With Biscuits

Biscuit Stitching  party games with biscuitsTo play this game you need a few Marie Gold biscuits, needle and thread. This is a one minute game and will be played by one member individually. Call the members one by one to play this game and give them a few Marie Gold biscuits, needle and thread. Their challenge is to pass the needle and thread through the holes in biscuit and make CROSS STITCHES. If you have teams in your party, you can call one member from each team to play this game.

Face the cookie

In this game the player has to move a cookie from their forehead to their mouth using only their facial muscles. They can’t touch the cookies. Oreo cookies are the best to play this game. The member who does it first will be the winner of this game. 

Little Heart Challengeparty games with biscuits 2

This is a couple game and best suitable for the couple kitty parties. Call the couples one by one to complete this challenge. This is again a one minute game and the couple has to get maximum points in this one minute. Call the couples one by one to the game table and give them two bowls. One bowl filled with Little Hearts biscuits and other bowl empty. This is a one minute party game and thus the players will get sixty seconds to play this game. As the times starts the wife will pick the biscuit from her mouth, husband will take the biscuit with his mouth and then leave it in the empty bowl.

I hope you like my ideas of party games with biscuits. Try playing these games in your kitty party and let me know if your friends liked them or not.




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