Games for kitty party at home : Stick The Ball If You Can


Games for kitty party at home . This is again an interesting game for your kitty parties. You can arrange this kitty party game in ladies kitty party or in your couple kitty party. I always prefer arranging the kitty party games in teams as it is easy to manage as compared to the individual party games.

Games for kitty party at home

Games for kitty party at homeFor this game you may need a few disposable plates, some gum or anything sticky and table tennis balls. Apply the gum or any adhesive on the plates and keep them on table. Now the player will sit apart and bounce the balls on the floor in such a way that it sticks to the plate. This is one of the simplest and entertaining games for kitty party at home. You don’t need much space or much items to play this game in your kitty party at home. Just a few feet space, paper plates and a few balls; and you can arrange this game in your kitty party at home. In fact you can also plan to arrange this game as a birthday party game of your kids because kids love playing with balls and winning the challenges.

Give every member a set of 10 balls and he/she will score points according to the number of balls stuck on the plate. I am here just to give you some unique and interesting party ideas. You can always make the desired changes and add more ideas to the games to make them more unique and interesting. Feel free to share you ideas and games with me.

The image above makes the game clear but if you still have any doubt you can leave your comment below in the comment box.

Have fun


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