Rasgulla Recipe: Make Rasgullas at home in 15 minutes.

instant rasgulla recipe kitty party

I never knew making the yummy, spongy and juicy Rasgullas was so easy and quick. I got this recipe from one of the Facebook group I have joined. This is a simple Rasgulla Recipe and everyone in my family loved it.

Instant Rasgulla Recipeinstant rasgulla recipe kitty party

  • Milk- 1 litre
  • Lemon-half
  • Sugar- two cups
  • Water- 5 cups
  • Cardamom(इलाइची) – 2
How to make instant rasgulla
  • Boil the milk and add the lemon juice.
  • Boil it till the milk solids are separate.
  • Filter it using a muslin cloth or a sieve.
  • Press it well to remove water content.
  • Now take the milk solids in a plate and mash it using your hands.
  • Mash it till it becomes very soft and then make small balls and keep aside.
  • Cook sugar and water in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes, add cardomom .
  • Add the paneer balls into it and cook it till two whistles.
  • Take out your yummy rasgullas and refrigerate it.
  • Serve chilled.

One litre of milk can make 8-9 Rasgullas. You have to make small balls and they turn this big after boiling in sugar water. (SEE IMAGE). Next time when you have a ladies kitty party at home, do try this simple recipe of Instant Rasgulla.

Rasgulla Recipe in Hindi

  • एक बर्तन में दूध उबालें और उस्मे नींबू क रस मिला दें।
  • जब दूध फ़ट ज़ाये तो उसे छलनी या कपडे से छान नें।
  • अच्छी तरह निचोड ले ताकि उसमे पानी ना रह जाये।
  • अब उस छेने को अच्छी तरह मसल ले जब तक वो नरम ना हो जाये।
  • अब उस छेने की छोटी छोटी गोलियाँ बना ले।
  • कुकर में चीनी और पानी मिलाकर एक तार की चाशनी बना ले और छेने की गोलियां डाल दें।
  • दो सीटी आने तक पकायें और गैस बंद कर दे।
  • रसगुल्ले तैयार हैं उन्हें निकाल कर फ़्रिज में ठंडा होने तक रख दे।
  • ठंडे रसगुल्ले प्यार से परोसें।



  1. yes it is the good way to do anything like this I also want to join this group and those who are in the group were very lucky.And who is the head of this group?Answer me fast.


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