How To Get Rid Of Spiders From Your House


Diwali is just around the corner and ladies might have already started their special Diwali Mega Cleaning process. While I have tried all the famous methods to get rid of spiders from home, I finally came across something which really worked for me. Peppermint Essential Oil, yes this oil finally solved my problems of spiders. I always hated killing the spiders but had to do so, and so have been looking for some way to get rid of spiders naturally.

How To Get Rid Of Spiders From Your House 

How To Get Rid Of Spiders From Your House This Diwali
Buy This Oil and Get Rid of Spiders From Your House

Peppermint Essential Oil, if you know has a very strong smell and we humans often love it, but not many people know that Spiders hate this smell. When you will start using Peppermint oil in your house, you will see that Spiders never come close to the place having this smell.

To get rid of spiders from your house, you need to make a peppermint solution with water.

  • Take a 60ml spray bottle filled with water and add 8-10 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • Shake it well and your spray against the creepy spiders is ready.
  • Spray this solution behind and around your doors, windows, curtains, ceiling cracks, bathroom walls and other places where you often get to see the spider and their webs.
  • You need to spray this solution once a week to keep the spiders away from your house.
  • Truly speaking I haven’t seen those creepy spiders in my home since I started using this spray.

Peppermint Essential Oil is easily available in the local markets but you can also buy it online. A 15 ml of Peppermint Essential Oil is available just for Rs 120 at

Click Here To Buy Peppermint Essential Oil

Try it out and do not forget to let us know if it worked for you or not.



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