Holi Games for Big Groups

holi games for big groups

Holi Games for Big Groups . Bring a large group of adults for a holi party can make it difficult to make sure that everyone enjoys the party and feel included in the activities. One cannot play with holi colors for more than an hour and if you want to entertain people more than that you need to add some interesting holi games for big groups. It is also very important to ensure that everyone take part in the various activities and games. By providing games to play you can make everyone feel welcomed in your party, especially when it is a holi celebration party where everyone comes to have fun and enjoy.

holi games for big groups

Holi Games For Big Groups

Lucky Water Balloon Game

For this game you might need to blow many water balloons almost same as the number of guests you are expecting. Out of those hundreds of balloons you will put coins in 5 balloons. Now keep all the water balloons in many big tubs all around the ground and ask everyone to pic one balloon. When the host blows the whistle, everyone will break the water balloon against his or her forehead. The lucky ones getting the coins out of the balloon will be the winner. Make sure you use some small coin which is not easily visible in the colored water balloons.

Happy Holi SMS Game

If you are using a projector screen for your event this game would be easier, however you can play this game even without the screen too. Announce a new mobile number of Mic. and also put a large banner showing the number on the stage. Make sure that the number is large enough to be seen by everyone in the ground. Now announce in the Mic that everyone has to send a Happy Holi Message with their name to that mobile number. The first five people whose messages come in that mobile phone will be given prizes. Make sure you show the number after explaining them the game.

Call Out The Names Game

With such a big group of hundreds of people you can call out the names for trivia. For example you can call a person having a 1000 Rs. note colored with holi color, a person with torn socks, a lady with maximum rings, a person with oldest coin in purse, person with oldest bill in the purse, lady with biggest bindi, ladies with biggest handbag, lady with yellow nailpaint, man with a short comb in pocket, man having wife’s photo in his purse, wife having husband’ photo in her purse etc etc.

Holi Bollywood Quiz

Indian people love Bollywood and there is nothing entertaining than asking the bollywood quiz from them this could be one of the best Holi Games for Big Groups. You can ask the holi bollywood quiz from the crowd. I am sure too many people will raise their hands on every question. In that case the host can call any person randomly on the stage to give the answer. Give prize for every correct answer. You can download the holi bollywood quiz from HERE

I guess these much games would be enough for your guests to enjoy the big Holi bash at your place. More are people greater is the fun of playing holi. This holi take a pledge of playing Holi with organic colors and use less water.

Happy Holi !



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