Emoji Theme Kitty Party Games and Ideas


Today I am sharing a very interesting kitty party theme with you all. This is actually not my own theme but was shared by one of my readers, Shalini. So they had recently kept this emoji theme kitty party games and I am sharing all her decorations and games ideas here in this blog post.

Decorations for Emoji theme kitty party

Since most of the emojis are yellow in color, the hall should be decorated in yellow color too. You can use various emoji cutouts to decorate the walls of your party hall. There are also many emoji crockery pieces available in the market online and offline, you can buy them to make your party hall look even better. You can also use yellow balloons to decorate your hall and make emoji caps and photo props too. 

Dress code for emoji theme kitty party

Since the decor is yellow the dress code should also be yellow for this theme. You can further ask your members to wear some or the other emoji item, be it a hair clip, a bag, slippers, dress or anything else. 

Emoji theme kitty party games and ideas

Luck Emoji

The first game played in Shalini’s kitty was a luck game. To play this game you need to make a big sheet with 90 boxes on it. Write some random numbers on the blocks like 5 rs, 10 rs, 50 rs, 100 rs, sorry bad luck, next chance etc etc. Now the members will start rolling the dice one by one and will move the goti according to the number they get on the dice. Every member will get the prize written on the particular box her got is in after her chance.

Keep Smiling

This is the second of the list of emoji theme kitty party games. In this game you need to make a thermocol sheet with many different emojis drawn on it like the happy emoji, sad, angry, wink etc. Give 10 toothpicks to each member and blindfold them. They have to prick the toothpicks on the thermocol sheet and the number of toothpicks on the smilining emojis will be their score. The member with the emoji theme kitty party games

maximum score will obviously be the winner. Check the video below to know more about this game.

Make emojis

In this game, the members have to make the smiling emojis on a paper sheet using the bangles, lipstick, bindi and eye liner. You can check the video below for more idea on this game.

Emoji Tambola For Kitty Party

There is an emoji tambola available for sale but you can make one special tambola by hand too for your emoji theme kitty party. 




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