Office Christmas Party Games : Christmas Balance


Check out one of the simplest Office Christmas party games. This is again an interesting Christmas party game for your Christmas theme kitty party. The game incorporates the Christmas decorations and thus this game fits the best in the Christmas parties. As my other party games, this game can also be played in any of your gatherings, may it be a Christmas party, a kitty party, an office party or even a birthday party.

Office Christmas Party Games

office christmas party games


This is a couple game and thus you need to call two members to play this Christmas Party Game. You can also keep this game in your couple kitty parties for Christmas theme.

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Divide your office colleagues in teams according to the strength of your kitty party. Then call two members from each team to play this game. For arranging this game in your kitty party, you may need 3-4 big paper rolls, yard stick ( or ruler) and a 20-30 Christmas decoration hangings.

As the name suggests the game is about balancing. Keep the paper roll , stick and 10 Christmas ornaments on each tables before the game begins. This game is all about the balance, timing and communication of the two partners playing the game.

When the game begins, the players must hang five ornaments each on the yardstick placed on the paper roll in the time frame of 60 seconds. The couple who manages to balance the ornaments well on the yardstick in 60 seconds will be declared the winner of this game. This is one of the best suitable office Christmas party games and you can play it in any open area in your office. The best part is that you don’t need to do much homework for this game.

I hope I am clear with the game. If you have any doubt you can leave your comment below in the comments box. I am right here to solve all your queries about the game.


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