Birthday Party Games : Grab Up Your Donuts

birthday party games for boys

Birthday Party Games kids . The name itself suggests what the game would be. Did you guessed it?  Don’t worry I am here to explain the game. This is one of the simplest birthday games for children but it indeed a great fun when played in a birthday party. However you can play this game even as a kitty party game but I found it best suitable for the birthday party game.

Birthday Party Games For Kidsbirthday party games

Kids love eating donuts and thus they will also love playing this game in any of their friends birthday party. To play this birthday party games, you need to hang some donuts to the ceiling using the strings. If you have a high roof then you can hang the donuts using some rod or anything feasible.

Now how the game goes is- call the guests of  your baby shower and they have to eat the hanging donuts directly from their mouths. They can’t use their hands or anything else to get the donuts into their mouth. Birthday party games for kids. 

Note: Make the donuts reachable.



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