Birthday Party Game For Toddlers: Passing The Parcel With Twist


Birthday Party Game For Toddlers. We have been playing the game passing the parcel for years. Be it the birthday party of our kids, any picnic with friends or some family gathering, passing the parcel used to be the very first game in the list. Today I am here with an interesting twist to this old and traditional passing the parcel birthday party game.

Normally when we play this game, the kid on whom the music stops is out of the game and we get our winner in the end. But now on wards we will play this game in a different way. Instead of bringing one big gift for the winner, bring small gifts in number according to the guests in your party.

Birthday Party Game For Toddlers


Make them sit in a circle and start playing the game with any one gift. As the music stops, the child holding that particular gift will be out but he will take the gift along. Then take out another gift and start playing again.

In this way each child will be having a gift by the end of this game and no child will be disappointed or unhappy on being out.

You can also play this game in your ladies kitty party where the ladies want to play some simple game and not any activity game which involved running or any kind of physical activity. If you are playing this as a kitty party game, you can bring the gifts accordingly, obviously the gifts fo kids will be different from that for ladies. You can in fact play this as a fun activity in your office too, to break the monotony of work load. This can be serve as a nice ice breaking activity in your office.

I hope you liked this game idea. Do leave a comment down below if you liked it or even if you didn’t like it too. This will certainly help me improving.



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