Best Home Remedy For Hair Fall | Magical Oil For Hair Fall and Premature Greying


Hair fall is one of the most common problems faced by both men and women. There are many different shampoos, oil, and other treatments available online but the problem is what to trust and whatnot. Today in this post, I am sharing one home remedy for hair fall which I have tried and tested on myself. It works like magic and you will see the results after just 4-5 uses. The best part of this home remedy is that you can make it from your regular kitchen items and the second best part is that it has no side effects.

Home Remedy For Hair Fall

For making this special hair oil for hair fall you need-

  • Water- 1 Glass
  • Curry Patta- Handful
  • Tea Leaves (Chaipatti)- 2 Spoons
  • Methi Dana- 1 Spoon
  • Coconut oil – 1 spoon

Before I tell you how to make it and how to use it, let’s talk about the ingredients and their benefits to your hair.

Curry Leaves For Hair

Curry leaves are very rich in antioxidants and known to be the best for your hair. These leaves moisturize remove the dead follicles of your scalp and keep it hydrated and moisturized. Also, these leaves are very rich in protein and we already know that protein is very good for hair growth and shine. Note that Keratin Hair Treatment is also a protein treatment. Furthermore, curry leaves have high levels of amino acid which makes your hair fiber strong and prevents hair fall significantly. Since it keeps your scalp healthy and strengthens your hair fiber, it obviously helps in hair growth.

Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Dana) for Hair

Methi Dana is no secret. It is one of the most effective ingredients for all your hair problems. It is very high in nicotinic acid and protein and thus is very very good for your hair. It not just helps your hair growth and makes it shiny and healthy but also removes dandruff gradually. I am not really sure but it is known to be the best remedy for baldness too. If you have dry hair, it is a magical ingredient for you.

Tea leaves- Chai Patti For Hair Growth

The benefits of tea-water include hair growth, reduced breakage, tanning your hair, and its antiviral and antibacterial properties relieve from itchy scalp. We are here using tea leaves in the hair fall remedy oil but you can also use the tea-water as rinsing water after shampooing. It gives shine and strength to your hair.

Coconut Oil For Hair Fall

Coconut Oil has been used for ages to keep your hair grow thicker, longer, and faster. It also has natural fatty acids and vitamins which keep your hair nourished and healthy.

How to Make Home Remedy For Hail Fall

  • Take one glass of water in a pan.
  • Add all the ingredients except the coconut oil. Add curry leaves, tea leaves, and methi dana.
  • Boil it for good 10 minutes till the color of the water becomes very dark.
  • Sieve it in a bowl and add coconut oil.
  • Cool it and store it in a spray bottle.
  • You can store this oil for 15 days and then make a new one.

How To Use This Special Hair Oil For Hair Fall

  • You have to spray the oil on your hair as well as on your scalp every time you wash your hair.
  • Spray the oil generously all over your hair length and scalp and gently massage in a circular motion so that it penetrates well in your hair and its roots.
  • Leave it for at least an hour and then wash your hair with any regular shampoo you use.
  • You can also keep it overnight but make sure you tie a cloth or wear a cap as the tea-leaves may leave a stain on your pillow or bedsheet.


  1. Does this oil have any side effects?

Since we are using all-natural and organic ingredients, there is no side effect of this oil on your hair.

2. How long can we store this hair oil?

You can store it in a spray bottle for 15 days.

3. Does it help in hair growth too?

Yes, this is a magical oil for your hair and helps in many ways which include, reduced breakage, hair growth, healthy and shiny hair, healthy scalp.

I came to know about this Home Remedy For Hair Fall from a friend who is studying naturopathy and I myself have tried and tested it. It is a miracle oil for both hair fall and premature greying. Use this oil regularly for the best results.


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