Funny Baby Shower Games : Tie the Diaper to the Baby


Funny Baby Shower Games Ideas . A next add-on to my list of  baby shower games. This is somewhat similar to the game tie the diaper before the baby peeps, but the only difference is that the players are blindfolded for this game. I don’t know you agree with me or not but I always feel that the blindfold games are more of fun and laughter as compared to the other playing games. This blindfold game is pretty simple but is very interesting and funny to play with your friends.

Blindfold Funny Baby Shower Games

baby shower games with balloons

Call your baby shower guests one by one and give them each a big balloon, a nappy and a nappy pin. Blindfold them and ask them to tie the diaper/ nappy to the balloon without bursting it. The diaper/nappy without the pin will not be considered. The guest doing so in the minimum time will be declared as the winner of this baby shower game.

So, what do you think?

Will it be that simple to tie a diaper to the balloon and tuck the nappy pin so as the balloon doesn’t burst? I don’t think it is gonna be that simple. Well I am not sure it will be simple or tough for your friends to play this game but one thing I am sure about is that you will have immense fun watching your friends playing this game.

If you are planning to arrange this game in your baby shower party, do not forget to let me know if your friends liked the game or not.

Have fun !


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