Yank Me: Funny 1 Minute Party Game

1 minute party game

Yank Me is a very interesting and funny 1 minute party game and is suitable for all kind of parties and all age groups except the toddlers. The game seems to be easy but is easier said than done. What I mean is that it is not at all easy to complete this task and that too in one minute. To play this game in any of your parties, you just need a few plastic cups and a few cards and a stop watch of course.

Funny 1 Minute Party Game With Plastic Cups

funny 1 minute party game



This is funny 1 minute party game and thus the contestant will get a minute to win it. Call the player to the playing area and give him/her a set of 5 plastic cups and 4 cards. The player first has to make a tower using cups and cards as shown in the image one. Then he/she has to yank out the cards in such a way that the cups are forced to collapse into a stack as shown in the image 2.

This party game is fun when played even in a kids birthday party and you can list it in your kids birthday party games too. Kids love completing such challenges and especially when there are some interesting and exciting prizes. So, if you are planning to arrange this game in your kids birthday party, make sure that you have some exciting gifts for them too.

I hope the game is clear enough to you and if you still have any doubt in this funny 1 minute party game or any other party games in my website, feel free to leave a comment below in the comment box. I am right here to solve all your queries and questions regarding party games and party ideas. Also share these games ideas with your friends and help me making it big.


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