Halloween Theme Party Ideas and Games

Halloween party ideas

Halloween Party Ideas. Halloween which occurs annually on October 31, is celebrated in many parts of the world. It is celebrated with costume parties where the guests are dressed as fictitious characters from horror films, television shows or books or as witches, ghosts, and animal figures associated with Halloween. These costume parties are often held at someone’s place or some nice venues are hired for the same. This article on Kitty Groups Online will give you some interesting Halloween party ideas about invitations, games and activities, decoration, dress-code and menu.

Halloween Party Ideas

Halloween party ideas

Halloween Party Ideas for Invitations

The invitation card may be shaped like a spread winged bat, a goblin, or a phantom’s mask, carved pumpkin or in the shape of a skull. The wordings can be Because we like a good scare And we are fond of fright, We are celebrating a grand Hallowen Night. Calling all wizards, goblins and ghosts The (your name ) family will be your host, Stop on by for trick or treat, Eyeballs and worms ,there is plenty to eat .

Halloween Party Ideas For Decoration

Decrease the amount of light by using dimmers or merely switching to lower wattage light bulbs. Cover the windows with torn and tattered cloth to give the look of an abandoned house. Create an awesome entry to the party space by making a tunnel kind of a thing with the help of black bed sheets. Carved Pumpkins, scary silhouettes, creepy music, all create the perfect Halloween atmosphere. Take a black shirt, pants, and gloves, and make bones using white tape. Hang the cut outs of spiders, bats and black cats in the party hall.

Halloween Party Ideas for Dress Code

Ask your guests to come dressed in spooky attire wearing scary masks. I am sure they would love to get dressed in the Vampire outfits after the stupendous success of ‘Twilight’.

Games and Activities for Halloween Party

Game-1 Build the scarecrow : Halloween party dieasThis is a team game . Divide your guests in teams in an interesting way .Write some scary words like bat, ghouls, goblins, gremlins etc on paper chits. Make 4 -5sets of each word and put them in a cauldron .Ask your guests to pick up a chit and join together with the guests who have picked up a chit with the same word. Once the teams are formed, let them know they will have 15 minutes to create the scariest, funniest or silliest scarecrow. Provide them the sticks to make the skeleton of the scarecrow, old clothes, old pillow covers, strings, newspapers etc. Guests must then create the scarecrow using the items given in 15 minutes. Once the time limit of 15 minutes is up have them put there scarecrow together and have them step aside and judge them to determine the winner. Make the game more challenging by selecting a scarecrow theme: Scariest, Funniest, etc.

Game-2 Give your guests some spooky things put in a bag like a toy ghost, rope, knife, voodoo doll or a lemon and ask them to make a scary story including all the props given to them. The team which comes up with the most interesting and scary story, wins.
Game-3 Spooky salad carving competition : Give your guests some vegetables and knives and the guest/team which comes up with the most scary presentation, bags the prize. You may also have a birthday candle lighting competition. The guests will be asked to light up as many candles as they can with a single matchstick.

Game-4 Balloon bursts : Put some balloons on a board. Before you blow them up place a piece of paper in some or all with a specific instruction on it. Each person has to burst a balloon and do whatever is on the piece of paper. Some suggestions are- Act like a vampire, jump like a kangaroo, eat something black, Make a spooky advertisement of a soap /tooth brush/ nailpaint, hop on one leg for 30 seconds etc. You can also fill the balloon with fake blood to make the game more theme relevant.

Find your fingersHalloween party ideasFor this game you would need some artificial fingers which are easily available in the market or you can also make these at home. Other thing you would need for this game would be noodles. Boil the noodles beforehand and put some edible red color in that boiling water so that your noodles will turn as red earthworms. This is one of the quirkiest Halloween party ideas in my list.

Now keep those noodles (earthworms) in a deep bowl and mix the fingers in that so that they are not easily visible. You will already have the dim light in the party hall. If you have 2-3 teams make sure you have different bowl of noodles for each team.

Now call one member from each team and give them one minute to find the fingers hidden in the noodles. The only rule in this game is that the players can use only their mouth to find the fingers.

Halloween Party Ideas For The Menu

Let the frightful essence of the theme prevail in your menu also. Use ice cubes that have been made using red- tinted water. Or, create an eerie hand-shaped ice cube for your punchbowl, by freezing water inside of a rubber glove. Party foods can be limited to simple finger foods or to complete meals. If you want to go with finger foods, consider something simple such as chicken wings, just add a cute name to them such as bat wings. Make deviled eggs and set them on a serving platter with two cardboard horns. You can also colour the olives to make them look like eye balls and place them here and there. For a more creepy meal, add cooked rice over the stew to look like maggots. Ideate and Innovate.

These were my Halloween party ideas, hit like button if you liked my ideas and do share if you have some more interesting ideas for games and activties.


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