Garden Theme Party : Fun Party Theme For Summers

garden theme party

Garden Theme Party . A Garden party is one of the good Summer Theme Party Ideas and it can be arranged only in outdoors with a fancy lunch displaying beautiful plants and flowers. Whether you have green fingers or you simply appreciate exquisite flora and fauna, A garden party is strongly recommended for you .garden theme party

Garden Theme Party

The Invitations for Garden Theme Party

Use pre-printed blank inside cards with a flower on the front or a garden scene. You can make your own cards using white hand made paper and pressed flowers and leaves. The wordings can be There is Sunlight in my garden and the flowers are draped in dew. It is so bright and beautiful, Everything seems to be glistening. So, Here is a special garden party invitation, just for you. Make sure you come, to make it more happening .

Decoration and dress code for Garden Theme Party

The decoration for a garden theme party is simple and inexpensive. You have to make creative use of the things that is kept in your garden only. Have a quiet peaceful party setting, nestled in your garden. Use your fine china and linen for dressing the table. Use an arrangement of freshly cut flowers for your centerpiece. If needed, hire the round tables, chairs and garden umbrellas from the store.

Games and Activities For Garden Theme Party

Game-1 Purse / Wallet Bingo : Have all guests stand with their purses and wallets. Name items that should be in a purse. When an item is called that a guest does not have in her purse/his wallet, she/she sits down. The last one standing wins. You can consider calling out items like money, cheque book, keys, pen ,tissues, lip gloss, comb, mirror, nail filer etc. Keep a separate list of items for the gentlemen .

Game-2  Buttony Rice- This is a team game. Divide the guests in teams and allot them their separate working areas. Put some buttons mixed with rice in a plate and keep them on the working tables of each team. Put a hanky, sewing needle and thread also at each table. Ask the guests to sift buttons from rice and stitch them on a handkerchief. The team which accomplishes the task first gets to win.

Game 3- Team Tasks- You may also keep a set of 5 tasks to be accomplished by each team in 5 minutes. Some suggested activities are- 1. Drinking a bottle of coke 2. Eating a chocolate bar 3. Eating a packet of chips 4. Draping of a sari 5. Sifting rice from pulses 6. Doing embroidery on a handkerchief.

Have each member of the team perform one task . You may also give a bag with bangles of mixed colours and ask them to make the sets of same coloured bangles. The team which performs the task first is the winner. These task games are really interesting and a lot of variations can be introduced. With the homemaker theme, there is a plethora of activities to choose from like making chapatis, salad making and making a 2 minutes dish from any given ingredients. These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg. Once you get started with these party ideas you will see you will never have a boring standard party again.

Game-3 Pick and Tell– Put items like pulses, flour, peas and groundnuts etc in various jars and cover them so that the guests are not able to see them. Ask your guests to put their hands in the jars and just by feeling the item ,identify it. The person who identifies the maximum number of items is the winner .

Game-4 Super mom and pop game : This is family team game in which the parents and the kids, both have to participate. Together each team has to perform a certain set of tasks especially the morning chores for the kids like 1. Putting the books in the bag. 2. Polishing the shoes. 3. Combing the hair ,tying the ribbons 4. Preparing a dish to be kept in the tiffin with bread and cheese and writing an essay on myself. The first team which is ready with his ward to be sent off to the school, bags the prize. Do not forget to Award a prize for the best dressed home maker .

Menu Ideas for Garden Theme Party

You can have anything of your choice keeping in mind that the food will be served outdoors .Serve tea ,coffee and mocktails for starters ,followed by light refreshments .If possible ,you can hire the caterers and have stalls of chaat or chinese put in the garden to ease out your load .


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