4th Of July Party Games and Activities

4th of july party games ideas

4th Of July is far approaching and if you are planning a family fun for fourth July, this post will help you. There are many different games for 4th of July which you can play with your family and have fun on this great day. 4th of July is the time when people in the U.S are excited for the Independence Day celebration. If you are looking to plan some exciting 4th of July games for your Independence Day celebrations, consider the following 4th of July party games ideas.4th of july party games ideas

4th of July Party Games Ideas

  1. Watermelon and Spitting contest – What else can be better than using the best food for summers, watermelon. This is a simple game and you can play it both with kids as well as the adults in the party. In this game the contestants will start eating the watermelon altogether and spit the seeds in a plate. The player who splits the maximum number of seeds will be the winner.
  2. Red, White and Blue- Ask everyone to sit in a circle. The first player to start the game will name a thing of red color, next person will name a thing of white color and then the next person will name a thing of blue color and so on. The item cannot be repeated and also no player is allowed to take more than 5 seconds to name a thing. If a player repeats the thing or take long, s (he) will be out of the game. Continue the game until you get a winner.
  3. Fireworks- Independence Day celebration is incomplete without the fireworks and thus I have included one fireworks game in my list of 4th Of July Party Games Ideas. You can pool the fireworks of all your guests together to make an even bigger show. You can keep the contest of biggest firework or you can also keep a guessing game where everyone will guess what color will show up in the firework or how long it will go.
  4. Frozen Coins- This is again a very interesting game for the summer celebration of Independence Day. You can add it in your list of 4th Of July Party Games Ideas. Take a big vessel filled of water and add some coins in it. Freeze it. Add some water and more coins after 6 hrs and so on. Make two three layers of coins so that it becomes even harder to take out the coins. Keep the frozen cube in the middle and give one toothbrush to everyone. They have to scrub the cube and chip out the coins! This is a totally awesome birthday party game and even older kids and adult would like this. This is a nice game and you can also arrange it for your hen’s party in summer months.
  1. Winning 100– It is all about writing 1-100 and wining the prize but wait, it is not just that. The player getting a SIX on dice will only get a chance to write the counting. Let me make it a more explicable.

Make everyone sit in a circle on the floor or on the chairs, as it suits you. I prefer making them sit on the floor as I always have too many kids in my children’s birthday parties. Well, after they are seating give them a paper each. There will be only one pencil and the child getting SIX on dice will get the pencil and start writing the counting on his/her sheet.

Meanwhile other children will keep rolling the dice. The kid getting a SIX next will snatch the pencil from the kid and start writing the counting on his or her own page. The game goes on until someone completes the counting of 1-100 in the page. The child who writes the Winning 100 will be the winner of this game. Both adults and kids can play this game of 4th July.

The above mentioned 4th of July party games ideas are suitable for all ages. To make your 4th July celebration a hit, you have to select the game appropriate for all ages but having more games for kids is always helpful.



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