Paper Games For Kitty Party : Connect The Words

paper games for kitty party

Paper Games For Kitty Party . If you are looking for some good and interesting paper party games for kitty party, this game might end your search. This is a very interesting and different paper party game to be played in ladies kitty party.

Paper Games For Kitty Party


It is a very simple game same as my other connecting words games. If you have been through the game Connect The Words  you might find it easy to understand. Well, there is not much to understand actually, players just have to connect the words in minimum time. 
You don’t need to do any homework for this game. Just take out the print outs of the game and distribute the sheets to the members.connect the words summer party games

Check out the image above here to know the game. You can see a shape of ice-cream here with some blank boxes and and many other words scattered around. Now what you have to do is to connect these words and write them in the blanks. The game will start with the word ‘Summers’ and will end at word ‘Schools Open’.

For example – Summers – holidays- travel-……………………relax-schools open. 

I hope the game is clear to you. If not, feel free to ask me. Leave your comment below in the comment box and I will clear your doubts.

You can keep first and second winner for this paper party game. One minute time is enough to play this game just like other paper games for kitty party

Feel free to leave a comment in the comment box if you have any doubt on this written game or any other paper games for kitty party. You can download the game sheet by clicking the download button below and get the print outs from any cyber cafe nearby. Please press the Facebook like button if you like this game 🙂

[dl url=”” title=”Download Game Sheet” desc=”” type=”” align=”Game Sheet”]


  1. It seems to be an interesting game for summer theme party ,but not vry much clear ….as the pairs hv already been made. ….like relax n school open….wht the player has to do….plz clarify as i hv a summer theme party ….

  2. Hi. show anti
    Can u pls mail the ans sheet of the ice cream paper game.
    It’s getting crazy to work out…..

  3. Hey shiwangi the game seems to be very intresting can u please mail me the answer sheet as soon as possible thank you:)

    • Hey Sushma mailed you the game sheet as well as the answer sheet. Thanks for leaving such an appreciative comment. Keep visiting for more of such interesting party games.

  4. Hello,
    This is Very Nice Game & My Mom also Love this Game
    Can You Send the Answer Sheet to My Email Address.
    Thank You
    Neeraj Jivnani

  5. hi, shiwangi
    I love your all games and all games are also useful to me for kity. thank u very much
    and please give me the answer sheet of this game.

  6. Hi Shiwangi cn u please send me the answer sheet as i dnt understand the game. I hv used many of ur games earlier and everyone has loved them. Thank u so much for such innovative games.

  7. Plz help me with the game n mail the game n the answer sheet as well!!!!havnt understood clearly..
    Will b highly appreciated

  8. nice game.please send me the answers at the earliest as i have my kitty tommorow based on summer theme..thanx a lot

    • Mailed you the game sheet and answer sheet will help you understanbing the game too. Hope it helps but do let me know if you have any doubts still.


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