Big Groups Game – Groups Banana Game


Big Groups Games.This is one of the most hilarious party games for groups, although it is not suitable for all kind of groups. I mean this party game might not be suitable for the groups with middle aged people. This game can be a great fun for some kind of office party or a birthday party or say for any party having young groups.

To play this group banana game, all you need is a big space and few bananas.

How to play Big Groups Games With Banana

To play this Big Groups Games, first of all divide the members in two teams. You can make three or four teams also according to the strength of your group party. I guess office parties have bigger groups. This is a fun game, but will be fun only when you have sporty people in your group.

Well, let me back to the game.

To play this Big Groups Games, make the teams lie down on the floor making a line. Tell them to lie down so as one’s head almost touches other’s feet.

big groups games

Now give one banana to each team and they have to pass the banana to the member behind using their feet. Even if they drop the banana in between they can pick it up again but without using their hands. They have to use only their feet to pick and pass the bananas.groups banana game party games

The team managed to drop the banana first to the finish line with this funny Big Groups Games. 

If you liked this game please do share it and also let me know if you selected it for your kitty party. Don’t forget to tell me how was the game in your party and if it created fun or not.

You can play this big groups game in any of the parties , may it be a birthday party, a family gathering, an office party or even a ladies hen’s party. Please hit the FB like button if you like the one minute party games in office . Also share it with your friends on the social media websites, after all sharing is caring.



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