Funny Party Game for Couples : Love Lock

funny party games for couples

Funny Party Game for Couples. What do you guess with the name Love Lock for this party game for couples? Well, stop guessing and start reading the post as I am explaining the game throughly with pictures. This is one of the funniest couple party games best suitable for the couple parties, but you can always arrange it as your ladies kitty party games also.

 Funny Party Game for Couples Love Lock Goes Like This:

Call a couple to play this funny party game for couples if you are arranging it in your couple party and if you are planning to play this party game in your ladies kitty party, call two ladies from a team. Ask them to lock each other backwards and sit on the floor.

Didn’t get me? Look at the picture below, you will understand what position I am talking about to start this funny party gamefunny party game for couplesfunny party games for couples

So, this is the position of the players before the game starts. Now, this is not a one minute party game but you have to look for the time a couple take to get up in this posture. The couple which manages to get up in the least time will win this funniest of the party game for couples ever.

This party game for couples seems easy to do, but trust me its not easy at all. Do try with your partner at your home before you arrange this party game for your couple kitty party or a ladies kitty party.

If you have some kind of shoulders problem or back pain problem this party game is definitely not for you.

I hope you liked this add-on in my list of funny party game for couples. If you have any doubt of query regarding this game, feel free to ask me anytime. I am always there to solve your queries and doubts. Leave your comment below in the comment box and I will be there for you.

Enjoy 🙂


  1. Thanx shivangi for ur wonderful ideas….have picked up sm to incorporate in my kitty party tomm….let’s c how it works…..will let u know…..

    • Hey Kavita..m glad that you lykd my ideas and games. Would love to know the feedback and would be even more interesting if you share your kitty pics here in this website 🙂


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