Resolutions: Party Game For New Years Eve

party game new years eve

New Years Eve Party nearly there… Have you organised everything? Internet is full of tips planning a perfect New Years Eve Party and today I am sharing an exciting party game for new years eve which can make your party a great hit and enjoyable for every guest. The best part is that you can play this game with a big group of people.

No matter what you plan for your New Years Eve Party, its always incomplete without some funny, exciting and interesting party games. This game, Resolutions is a nice game to have fun with your friends, family or colleagues.

Party Game New Years Eve

party game new years eve

To play this game in your New Year Eve Party, all you need are paper slips and pen.

Give everyone a slip and a pen to write down their resolutions. Ask them not to write their names on the slips and get all the slips in a hat or a bowl. Hat suits better to the theme. Now the host will take the slips from the hat randomly and start reading the resolutions and the guests shave to guess which resolution belong to whom. You can keep many small gifts for the people who guess the right answer. The best that this game brings is fun and laughter.


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