Fun Paper Games For Kitty Party : Guess The City Names


Fun Paper Games For Kitty Party . Here is a new game in my list of paper party games for ladies kitty party. This is a very simple yet entertaining paper party game suitable for all age groups.

Fun Paper Games For Kitty Party
paper party games

In this paper party game, the players need to guess the city names from the clues given in the list. These are all Indian states and are very easy to guess. Usually this game is played as one minute party game but you can adjust the timings according to your kitty members. All you have to do is to get the copies of this game according to the strength of your kitty party. First explain the game to everyone and then distribute the sheets. Give them one minute of time to solve the answers and then take away the sheets.

The member who gets the maximum right answers will be the winner of this game and will get the prize. Hope you like my Fun Paper Games For Kitty Party. 

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