One minute kitty party game for Indian ladies in Hindi

one minute hindi kitty party game

This is one of the best one minute kitty party game for Indian ladies in Hindi. We’ve played this game in our kitty parties many times and today I am sharing this with all my readers worldwide.

One minute kitty party game for Indian ladies in Hindi

One minute kitty party game for Indian ladies in hindi

Things Required-

  • Tambola Numbers
  • Chart paper to write Hindi alphabets


How To Play

  • Take a chart paper or a drawing sheet and write the Hindi alphabets as shown in the image above.
  • This is an individual game and hence you have to call one member at a time to play this game.
  • If you have a good number of members in your kitty party, divide them in teams first and then call one member from each team to play the game.
  • Give them the sheet and the tambola numbers.
  • The challenge is to arrange the numbers on Hindi sheet, according to their Hindi names.
  • For example- 20 in Hindi is called बीस so the members have to keep 20 number in column बी. Number 21 in Hindi is called इक्कीस so the members have to keep it in the column written इ.

Hope the game is clear to you. Do leave your comment below if you have any doubt in this One minute kitty party game for Indian ladies in Hindi. This is a simple yet interesting kitty party game and can also be played in other parties like office parties, birthday parties and family reunions.

Check out the game video here


  1. In d above game of initial letter in hindi…
    I wanna know if d same alphabet is coming in 2 numbers eg: 30 is तीस n 3 is तीन den both r starting wid ती in such cases how will it b played…

  2. Sorry mam this time i don’t understand how to play, if you can upload the video on you tube of this hindi tambola, it will be so easy to me


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