Paper party games : Naughty Brainteasers

pen paper party games adults

After getting a few requests from my readers, I am posting a paper party games especially for adults. These are a few naught brainteasers for your kitty members to answer. These are the dirty questions with absolutely clean answers, however i know the first thing coming to your minds would be dirty for sure.

You can play this paper party game in your kitty party, may it be a ladies kitty party or a couple kitty party. If you find it sensible enough, you can play it as a paper party game for your office party as well.

Naughty brainteasers as paper party game

  1. What is hairy on the outside and moist inside. Begins with C and ends with T.
  2. Late night I desperately missed you and I wanted to feel you on my naked body. I had to go to the bed without you.
  3. I want to such you..lick you..wanna move my tongue all over you..I wanna feel you in my mouth.
  4. Come here take off your knockers, get on top of me. Enjoy until you get satisfied.
  5. Catch her by her waist..bring her home..Keep your hand on her neck. Put your lips on her lips and enjoy.
  6. What is that you keep in your mouth and is at least 6 inch long. You move it in and out and wait for a white substance to come out.
  7. What is that cow has four and a girl has two.
  8. What is that people prefer doing in the night.
  9. What’s an average 6 inch long thing inside a guys pants and girls love to blow it up?
  10. You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do. What Am I ?
  11. What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft And sticky ?
  12. A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you’re bored. The best man always has me first.
  13. I offer protection. I get the finger ten times. You use your fingers to get me off. What am I ?

Don’t forget to let me was the paper party game.

Click Here To Get The Answers


    • Chavi you can get the answers by clicking on button ‘Click Here To Get Answers’ well for you I am pasting the answers here-
      1. Coconut
      2. Pyjamas
      3. Ice Cream

      4. Toilet seat
      5. Pepsi Can
      6. Tooth Brush
      7. Legs
      8. Sleep
      9. 1000 Rs Note
      10. A tent
      11. Lolly Pop
      12. Ring
      13. Gloves

    • Hey Evett m glad that this game goes well with your “naughty party ” here are the answers –
      1. Coconut
      2. Pyjamas
      3. Ice Cream
      4. Toilet seat
      5. Pepsi Can
      6. Tooth Brush
      7. Legs
      8. Sleep
      9. 1000 Rs Note
      10. A tent
      11. Lolly Pop
      12. Ring
      13. Gloves

  1. hi, can you send me some adult paper games apart from the one on your it has already been played in our kitty…we are planing a disco theme couple kitty..can u suggest sme games related to the theme

  2. Hi, can you please we’d me some more party games or upload some more games.
    I will be really glad.. Very interesting game.
    Thank you


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