Lucky Lady Game For Kitty Party: Highest is the best

Lucky Lady Kitty Party Game

We recently played this lucky lady game in our kitty party and I loved the ideas so much that I couldn’t resist sharing it with my readers over here. Check this Lucky Lady  Kitty Party Game and do let me know if you liked it.

Lucky Lady  Kitty Party GameLucky Lady Kitty Party Game

So te image makes it clear but still I will explain you the game. This is a luck game and you don’t have to do any homework. Ask every member in your kitty to take out any one currency note from her purse. It could be any note. Now ask them to total the digits written on the note. The lady having highest sum of the digits written on the note will be the lucky lady of the day. Do not reveal the game beforehand, let everyone take out the note and then reveal the suspense. This is a simple yet nice Lucky Lady  Kitty Party Game and you can also play it in your office party or a family gathering party.



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