Guess the words: Kitty Party Game in Hindi

kitty party game in hindi

Posting yet another kitty party game in Hindi today. This is actually a game with some questions and the members have to guess the answers. This is again a one-minute party game and the member who guesses maximum correct answers in one minute will be declared as the winner of the game. If you have many members in your kitty divide them into teams and call one member from each team to play this game.

Kitty Party Game in Hindikitty party game in hindi

Things required

You just need the game sheets and pen for this game. Download the image above and get the printouts.

How to play

  • The challenge is to answer the clues with words ending with ‘li’ ‘ली’
  • Download the image given above and get the printouts from any cyber cafe.
  • Give one sheet to each member of your kitty and explain the game.
  • Set your stopwatch to one minute and start the game.
  • As time finishes ask everyone to keep their pens down.
  • The member who writes maximum correct answers will be the winner.

Answers for Kitty Party Game in Hindi

    • सलाद मे काम आने वाली एक चीज़- मूली
    • हमारे फूल पौधों की देख्भाल करे जो- माली
    • बर्फ़ से भरी वादियों वाला एक शहर- मनाली
    • हिन्दुओं का एक त्योहार- दीवाली
    • महफ़िलों की जान होती है- कव्वाली
    • एक हाथ से कभी न्ही बज्ती- ताली
    • घर मे इस्के आगे किसी की नहीं चलती- घरवाली
    • कराटे में इसका नही कोई सानी- ब्रुस ली
    • घर आया साधु कभी न जाये- खाली
    • रीना लड्की बडी है- मतवाली
    • बन्दूक का दुसरा नाम है- दुनाली
    • राह चलती लड्कीयों को छेड्ते हैं- मवाली
    • दलाल को देनी पड्ती है- दलाली
    • फ़ूल से सुन्दर होती है- कली
    • सड्क किनारे होती है- नाली
    • छोटे रास्ते को कह्ते हैं- गली
    • आजकल की लड्कियां नही होती हैं- शर्मीली
    • मचछरों से बचने के लिये लगानी पड्ती है- जाली
    • एक खूबसूरत हिरोइन- सोनाली
    • खेतो में अचछी लगती है- हरियाली



  1. Twist in this game..
    We can play one minute game in which you have to write as many words as you can ends with -li
    like.. mali, kamwali, loveli etc..


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