Today I am sharing some Christmas Large Families Gift Exchange Ideas. Christmas comes with lots of fun, love, laughter and happiness but as a matter of fact, it also brings some stress too. The stress about buying the Christmas gifts for everyone in the family, friends and relatives. Christmas Gifts Exchange is something which can relieve you from this stress. If you have a large family and are worried about how to manage the gift exchange program, check out my list of Christmas Large Families Gift Exchange Ideas.
First of all make it a rule that everyone in the family will bring one gift and also set the budget. Like you can announce that no one will bring a gift of less than $20 or more than $25.
Also mention clearly that one has to bring a gift-
- Something they want,
- something they need,
- something to wear or
- something to read.
Christmas Large Families Gift Exchange Ideas
- To have a fun-filled Christmas gift exchange program, you can play the “Pull Out Chits” game. Put a number on each gift as it arrives and then make the numbers slips and put them in a decorative Christmas Eve Box. Call out the names of guests all during the party and ask them to pull out a chit from the box. They will get the same number gift which they pull out. For example, I pull out number 6, I will get the gift number six.
- Hot Potato-Make everyone sit in a circle and start passing the gifts to each other with music. Take 2-3 gifts at first and start playing it like hot potato. When the music stops, kids holding the gifts will be out of the game with the gifts they have. Then take next 2-3 gifts and continue till the gifts are over.
- Yankee Swap-Just keep all the gifts on a table and make a bowl with number slips according to the number of guests you have. Now pull out the number slips and the player no 1 will get the first chance to pick the gift from the pile.
- Christmas Trivia- Keep some fun questionnaire and the one who answers will get a chance to pick the gift from the pile. Players who get the gifts will be out of the game.
- Guessing Game- Take the gifts to the guests and ask them to guess what is in under the wrap, one who gives the correct answer will get the gift.
It is always fun to be with family and especially when it is a large one, with many uncles, aunts, cousins and much more. Keep it simple and sweet and have fun with these Christmas Large Families Gift Exchange Ideas. Do let me know if you have some more Christmas Gift Exchange Ideas.