Dirty Bridal Shower Games : Craziest Bridal Shower Games


Dirty Bridal Shower Games . It is one of the craziest bridal shower games I have ever heard of. You can see the images below and guess what it is, but I know you won’t guess it right. Let me explain what this bridal shower game is.

Dirty Bridal Shower Games For Couples

dirty bridal shower games

For this game you might need some cherries tired to a string. Now call the couples to play this game. If you have many guests in the party, it is better to call two couples at a time so that you can monitor them well.

Now how the game goes is-

Tie the cherry string on the male partner’s waist and ask the female partner to bend down as shown in the image. Now the male partner will push the waist in a manner so that the female partner can grab it in her mouth. You never know with this game, some can grab it in first attempt or some can’t get it even after too many attempts. So just check the time taken by every couple and the couple who takes least time will be declared the winner.

Hope I was clear with this game. If you have any doubts feel free to leave a comment below. I am right her to solve your queries.

Do check other dirty Bridal Shower Games to have fun.



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