Baby Shower Games For Small Groups : Make a tummy belt for to-be mom


Baby shower games for small groups. The name and the picture below are making the game quite apparent though, but I have to explain each of my baby shower games for small groups here so as make my readers and group members comfortable. This is a simple baby shower game and you can easily arrange it in your baby shower as it do not require much of preparations. All you might need is a few paper strips or cloth strips as it suits to you.

Baby Shower Games For Small Groupsbaby shower games make a belt

Give every guest the long paper strip. You can actually take some big roll and distribute the strips from that. Now what the guests have to do is to cut the strips in a size which they think will best fit the tummy of to-be mom. Basically they have to make a belt for her baby bump. Every guest will get only one strip and if they fail to make it in one chance they will be disqualified from the game.

Now when all the guests are done with their belts. Call them one by one and ask them to tie the belt in to-be mommy’s tummy. Whose belt fits the best will win the prize for this baby shower game.

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