No More Hair fall- 10 Tried and Tested Hair Care Tips


Do you know that hair fall is one of the most searched problems on Google, which means that almost everyone on this globe is facing this problem. Some may have a little or it whereas some of us have very heavy hair fall which further gives us stress and many other issues accompanied. Today, in this post, I am sharing my video where I have talked about the 10 best tried and tested hair care tips.

I have been following these hair care tips for more than a year now and by the grace of God now, my hair fall is very less and I have beautiful lustrous and smooth hair. I have also mentioned the products I am using for my hair care.

Watch the video below and let me know via comments what you think about it.

If you have very frizzy hair and are planning to get the Keratin treatment, do not forget to check this- Is Keratin Treatment Really Good For Hair? My Personal Experience!

The hair care products I have been using for quite a long time and have really helped me-

WOW Skin Science Black Seed Onion Hair Oil 

WITH COMB APPLICATOR – Controls Hair Fall – NO Mineral Oil, Silicones

Buy it here

WOW Skin Science Red Onion Hair Mask


Buy it here


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