Hut Hut Hike: One Minute Funny Party Game


Hut Hut Hike is a one minute funny party game and creates a huge fun and laughter in the party. Though this game is for all age group but is best when played with a couple in a couple kitty party. You need few toilet paper rolls for this game and a few standing hula hoops. You will also need an open space for this game.

One Minute Funny Party Game

One minute funny party game

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How To Play

Stand the hula hoop on the ground and make a start line at about 15 feet from the hoop. Adjust the stopwatch to one minute and explain  the game to everyone. The players in this game have to turn around and bend over first. Then throw the tissue paper rolls through their legs in an attempt to get through the hula hoops standing on the ground.

The couple will get  tissue paper rolls and they have to get them through the hula hoops in 60 seconds. The couple which throw the maximum number of tissue paper rolls in one minute will be the winner of this one minute funny party game. The game is actually funnier than it seems. It is very funny to see the women trying to get the tissue paper roll through  the hula hoops. You can also keep it as a birthday party game and believe me kids will play it wonderfully. Kids are often good at throwing the things through their legs and they will certainly enjoy playing this game. This game is not much suitable for the Indian ladies kitty party, because the Indian ladies won’t really be comfortable playing such game.

The image above makes the One Minute Funny Party Game clear but if you still have any doubt in this game or any other party games in my website, do let me know via the comments below. I am right here to help you out with the party games and ideas.


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