Candy Crush: Kitty Party Game


Candy Crush kitty party game can be one in your list of party games for the ladies kitty party. However, we played in our club carnival but I found it a nice game for ladies kitty party too and furthermore it also suits the Christmas theme kitty party in the month of December.

Candy Crush Kitty Party Game

candy crush kitty party game

As the name suggests, this game is to be played with the candies. All you need for this game is a chart paper and many candies. You can play it individually or as a team game. If you have teams in your kitty party, call a member from each team to play this one-minute candy crush kitty party game.

How To Play Candy Crush Kitty Party Game

Make a chart paper with 10 columns on it. Draw or paste the logo or wrapper of various brand candies and chocolates on these columns. Also get at least 6-8 candies of each brand. This is a one-minute party game and the ladies will get one minute to set the candies on the chart paper according to the names written on the columns. The member who keeps the maximum number of correct candies in the given set column will win the game.



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