10 Couple Games For New Year Party


Today I am sharing 10 couple games new year party for all my readers. I know I am a bit late but nevermind, we can play the new year theme kitty party for the entire month of January. These are all couple games to be played in a couple party but you can also play them in your ladies kitty party by taking two ladies as a pair or say a couple.

10 couple games new year party10 couple games new year party

1.Turn around and kiss- This is a couple game and yes you can play it in your ladies kitty party with a bit of twist. When playing with couples you can keep it to kiss on lips and with ladies, you can keep the task to kiss on cheeks. The game is to be played with a dupatta tied to the couple, turn around and kiss each other. Read the details here.

2. Little Hearts- This is again a couple game best suitable for your New Year party. In this game, the challenge is to eat the little heart biscuits together without using the hands. You can read more details about the game here.

3. Tie the tie– In this game the husbands will sit on a chair and wives will stand behind. The task for the wife is to tie a tie around the husband’s neck from behind. The one who ties the best tie in the minimum time will be the winner. Check out the image here.

4. Feed the baby– In this game, you need to make a poster cutout with the space of face open. The challenge for the wife here in this game is to blindfold and feed her husband. The husband here is not allowed to say anything. Read here more details about the game.

5. Stand up together- This is again a very interesting and a bit tough game for the couples in your party. In this game, you will make the couple stand with each other’s back and tie them with a cloth or a rope. The couple is seated when the game starts and the challenge is to stand up together. The couple who completes the challenge first will be the winner.

6. Burst the balloon- In this game, the couple has to burst the balloons as per the instructions are given by the host. When the host calls out back, they have to burst the balloon with their backs, when the host yells head, they have to burst the balloon with their heads together and so on. The couple who finishes the challenge in the minimum time will win the game.

7. Coconut Challenge– This is a very funny and interesting game challenge and I got this idea from a movie scene. In this game, the couple will stand facing each other and a coconut will be placed between their tummies. The challenge is to bring the coconut up to their lips without touching the hands.

8. Banana Rope– This is an individual game but can be played with couples too. You can call a couple to play the game and keep two balls instead of one. Read more about the game here.

9. Phool Maala-This is a musical game and has to be played with all couples together. Make all husbands stand in a row and wives in another row. Make sure that the husbands and the wives are facing each other. When the music starts, the couples will start passing garland. The wife standing first in the row will start and put the garland in her husband’s neck, her will then put it into the man standing next to him, that man will then pass the garland to his wife’s neck and so on.Check the image here.

10. Musical Hool Hoop-  As the name suggests, this is a musical game and you need to keep your music system ready for this game. Call all couples in the playing area and make them stand back-to-back as shown in the image below. Ask all couples to stand in a row and explain them the game. When the music starts, the couple has to take the hula hoop from their toe to head and pass it to the next couple standing in the line. When the music stops, the couple with Hula Hoop on will be out of the game and the game starts again with the music. If your friends are uncomfortable standing back to back, you can make them stand to face each other, it won’t make much difference.



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