Interesting Team Game For Kitty Party: 4321


This is an interesting team game for kitty party shared by one of our readers. This is a game for kitty party but can also be played with kids in a birthday party or in some of your family get together.

Team Game For Kitty Party

team game for kitty party

To play this game you might need some number tags according to the number of members in each team of your kitty party.

Make the big sized visible number tags and give them to each team. Ask the team to give the numbers from 1-9 to each member of the team.

This is a team game and each team will play the game all-together. The host will start calling three, four and five digit numbers and the team members have to assemble the numbers. For example, the host called out the numbers 4783, the ladies with number tags 4, 7, 8 and 3 will have to assemble. The host will call out a total of 10 numbers and the team which performs the best will be the winner.

The image above will make the game a bit clear. This is a Team Game For Kitty Party shared by on of my readers. You can also share your games on our website. Leave a comment below if you want to share any of your game idea or a kitty party theme ideas with our readers.

Happy Kittying 🙂


  1. Hi Shiwangi, I am throwing a fancy dress theme kitty party can u please send me some games and ideas to make my party fantastic.

  2. Hi Shivangi..I want some new year with vodka theme ideas for ladies kitty…can u send some games and ideas regarding this or u can suggest me a theme for January…


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