Party Games for Groups: The Number Game

dancing party games

This is the next game in my list of party games for groups and is actually one of the most common party games, but I found it worth sharing here in my website. My website is all about the funny party games and hilarious party games which may increase the fun quotient in your parties and this dancing party games for groups fit best in that criteria. To play this game, you must have around 8-10 guests in your party. More are the people, bigger is the group, funnier will be the party games for groups. 

Dancing Party Games For Groups: The Number Game

Start the music and call all the members to dance on the music. Just like we do in the musical chair dancing game, stop the music after every short duration and call out a number. The guests dancing on this dancing party game for groups then have to group up in that particular number.

Look at the pictures below to understand the game better. dancing party gamesdancing party games

One or many guests will be out at one shot in this game, and this is why it can be called as the best suitable party games for groups. All depends on the number you call out after every music break.

The members who are left out will be out from the game. In this party game for groups you will get two winners in the end.

I hope you liked this party game for groups. Try this game as any of your office party games and let me know if your staff and colleagues liked it or not. Trust me this game can be one of the funniest party games for groups, may it be an office group or a family group.

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