Frozen Coins : Funny Game For Birthday Party

funny games for birthday party

Funny Games For Birthday Party . A birthday party is all about fun, games, activities and food. Kids love eating their favourite food items and also playing games in the birthday party. If you are looking for some interesting and funny games for birthday party, Frozen coins could be your choice. It can also be one of the summer games and activities for kids.

Funny Games For Birthday Party

funny games for birthday party


Kids love to create a mess and also to play the messy games. The Frozen Coin is the best game for summer parties and you can also organize this game in your summer theme kitty parties. As the name suggests this game is all about ice and water, so it suits best to the pool theme kitty party or any outdoor party in summers.

The picture above says all but let me explain the game as I always do. To make this big ice cube of coins take a big vessel filled of water and add some coins in it . Freeze it. Add some water and more coins after 6 hrs and so on. Make two three layers of coins so that it becomes even harder to take out the coins.

Keep the frozen cube in the middle and give one toothbrush to each kid. They have to  scrub the cube and chip out the coins! This is a totally awesome birthday party game and even older kids and adult would like this. This is a nice game and you can also arrange it for your ladies kitty party.

I hope the game is clear to you and if you have any doubt in this birthday party game or any other funny games for birthday party feel free to leave a comment in the comment box below. I am right here to solve all your queries regarding party games and ideas.




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