Simple Baby Shower Games : Guess The Baby Scrabble


Simple Baby Shower Games . Printable and simple baby shower games are always fun to be played in baby shower. The best part about the printable baby shower games is that every age group will enjoy playing them. The image below is saying all but as usual I will explain you what baby shower game is this.

Printable Simple Baby Shower Games

baby scrabble baby shower games


In this printable baby shower game , you guests will get one minute to solve the word scrabbles. All the words here in this list are related to the babies and it won’t be tough at all for your guests to guess these words.

You can download the game sheet from the ‘Download Gamesheet’ button below-

[sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_xlarge” align=”” href=”” target=”_blank” label=”Download Gamesheet” template=”sws_btn_redpastel” textcolor=”” fontweight=”normal” bgcolor=”” bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow” btnwidth=”” textalign=””] [/sws_button]

The only rule in this baby shower game is the time limit. You guests playing this game will get only one minute to solve this puzzle and the one who solves it in the least time with maximum right answers will be declared as the winner.



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